Logo for NNM (Nemo Nisi Mors) Sunset Venice Beach (Florida, United States), December 2014 (Photo: Anders Gustafson) Logo for NNM (Nemo Nisi Mors)
Out of bounds

Swedish calendar for year {{myNumber}} (generated by www.timeanddate.com/calendar).


In December 2017 I wanted to learn about Vue.js. I also wanted to update/replace my old outdated Number properties page. So, why not using Vue.js in this new Number properties page as a learning experiment.

First published by Anders Gustafson 2017-12-30
Logo for NNM
NNM Logo
Friends in need
CCF Cheetah Conservation Fund
NNM Clock
Random quote
We spend the first twelve months of our children's lives teaching them to walk and talk and the next twelve telling them to sit down and shut up.
Phyllis Diller