Different ways of learning, generating and interpreting Morse code.

··−· −−− ·−·   · −··− ·− −− ·−−· ·−·· ·   ·−·· · ·− ·−· −· ·· −· −−·   − −−−   ··− −· −·· · ·−· ··· − ·− −· −··   − ···· ·· ···   −− −−− ·−· ··· ·   −·−· −−− −·· · −··   − · −··− −

Note: The following Unicode characters are used to represent dots and dashes in this text.

Note: At the moment this tool work best if you have a keyboard, since key up/down events are essential.

Encoding text into Morse code

Write a text (containing characters A-Z and digits 0-9) and it will automatically be converted to the corresponding Morse code.

{{ morseCode }}
{{ horizontalText }}
{{ verticalText }}

Decoding Morse code into text

You can decode a Morse code into the corresponding text. Either use different characters or time-sensitive key press for the code.

Using different characters

Use . (dot) and - (dash) as input. Separate each character by one (1) space. Separate each word by three (3) spaces.

Note: The dots (.) and dashes (-) will automatically be converted to the corresponding "middle dot" (·) and "minus sign" () characters.

Here are some examples that you can try to decipher by copy-and-paste into the input field below:

  1. −− −−− ·−· ··· ·   −·−· −−− −·· ·   ·· ···   ··−· ··− −·   − −−−   −·· · −·−· ·· ·−−· ···· · ·−·
  2. −· · ···− · ·−·   − −−− −−−   ·−·· ·− − ·   − −−−   ·−·· · ·− ·−· −·
  3. −· · −− −−−   −· ·· ··· ··   −− −−− ·−· ···
{{ decodedMorseCode }}

Using time sensitive key press

A bit more difficult, since you need to find the rhythm for the dots and dashes. You can not (easily) copy and paste code parts since everything is based on the intervals between a pressed key and a released key.

Note: The basic unit is defined to be approximately 100 ms. But, in order to be more forgiving, the spaces separating characters and words are a bit longer than three and seven basic units, so it hopefully will be easier to learn. For your convenience, these gap and basic unit times will certainly be configurable in coming versions.

You can use the same key for both dot and dash, for example P.

A dot represents a key press for less than {{ keyPressedInMillisecondsBorderBetweenDotAndDash }} ms. A dash represents a key press for more than {{ keyPressedInMillisecondsBorderBetweenDotAndDash }} ms. If you do not press a key for at least {{ gapMillisecondsForWord }} ms, it will mark a new word. If you do not press a key for at least {{ gapMillisecondsForCharacter }} ms, it will mark a new character. In condensed form:

  • Key down for 0 - {{ keyPressedInMillisecondsBorderBetweenDotAndDash }} ms results in a dot.
  • Key down for at least {{ keyPressedInMillisecondsBorderBetweenDotAndDash }} ms results in a dash.
  • Key up for 0 - {{ gapMillisecondsForCharacter }} ms results in continuing to code the current character.
  • Key up for {{ gapMillisecondsForCharacter }} - {{ gapMillisecondsForWord }} ms results in start of a new character.
  • Key up for at least {{ gapMillisecondsForWord }} ms results in start of a new word.
Last interpreted code (key down): {{ keyPressedInMillisecondsStr }} ms ⇒ {{ lastInterpretedCode }}
Last interpreted gap (key up):    {{ keyReleasedInMillisecondsStr }} ms ⇒ {{ lastInterpretedGap }}
{{ decodedMorseCodeTimeSensitive }}

Morse code mappings

At the moment the following characters are supported.

{{ alphabet }}


Created by ·− −· −·· · ·−· ···   −−· ··− ··· − ·− ··−· ··· −−− −· in April 2020. Revised in January 2025.