NNM Map Viewer

Simple map functionality with capabilities of showing markers and lines.


The map is created from parameters defined in the URL. The simplest map only needs parameters for latitude and longitude coordinates defining the origo and a zoom level, everything else is optional.

Valid parameter values

Mandatory parameters

The map is initially centered at coordinates defined by the origo parameter.
Example: origo=69.00,19.00.
The map has an initial zoom level.
Example: zoom=12.

Optional parameters

A title can be defined.
Example: title=My%20own%20special%20title.
point0, point1, ..., point9
pointN is an array of coordinates for which a polyline should be drawn between each consecutive point (order is therefore important). A polyline can be shown between (at least two) coordinates defined with the pointN parameter. Each point is defined by latitude and longitude coordinates.
Example: point0=69.059969,10.9575&point0=55.336944,10.9575.
You can draw up to ten distinct polylines. Use a different suffix number, 0-9, for each of them.
Example: point0=6,1&point0=6,2&point0=7,1&point1=8,5&point1=7,7&point1=8,9&point1=7,3 will draw two distinct polylines.
marker is an array of coordinates where a marker should be placed. Markers can be shown for (one of several) defined points.
Example: marker=6.90,7.23 or marker=6.90,7.23&marker=69.2203,17.1234.
A marker can be shown for origo (showMarkerForOrigo=true).
If you click in the map, the current coordinates will popup (showCoordinates=true). Will be overridden if showConcentricCircles is used, i.e. you can only use either showCoordinates or showConcentricCircles, not both.
If you click in the map, concentric circles will be displayed with the current coordinates as origo. You define the maximum radius in kilometer for the outermost circle, for example (concentricCircles=50km), then all circles that have smaller radius than this will be displayed. The concentric circles have radius: 1 km, 2 km, 4 km, 8 km, 16 km, 32 km, 64 km, 128 km, 256 km, 512 km and 1024 km. Will override showCoordinates.
You click outside the outermost circle to remove the concentric circles. You may have to zoom out to see the outermost circle.
You can click inside the circles to get popup information about a specific circle.
Show the smallest possible circle, centered at origo, that "surrounds" every marker defined (showCircle=true).
Show the smallest possible rectangle that "surrounds" every marker defined (showRectangle=true).
Uses polygons instead of polylines when connecting points (usePolygon=true). This means that the last and first points in every list of points are connected with an implicit line.

Additional functionality

A link to a similar view in Google Maps is also shown.


An example of a complete URL:


Create URL automagically

Here is a small form to help you create correct URLs for the NNM Map Viewer.

Resulting URL:

URL encoder

Here is a simple tool which you can use to URL encode your parameter values.

Encoded result:

Convert DMS coordinates to decimal

Here is a simple tool which you can use to convert coordinates in DMS (degrees, minutes, seconds) to decimal. For example 69°15'20" (DMS) is the same as 69.255556 (decimal).

Converted result:


NNM Map Viewer was originally implemented by Anders Gustafson in November 2018.

What's in the upcoming versions?

Some of the following may be done in a future version of NNM Map Viewer.


Feedback on the NNM Map Viewer is highly appreciated, so please, email any comments, questions, suggestions, errata, etc to
