Logo for NNM (Nemo Nisi Mors) Njurunda, December 24 2005 (Photo: Anders Gustafson) Logo for NNM (Nemo Nisi Mors)

To avoid ambiguity and misunderstandings, the only format used for current time anywhere in the world should be the Zulu time written in ISO 8601 extended format

So when asked about "What time is it?", this should always be your answer. Another acceptable and even easier option is to answer with constant time.

As a bonus, here is the current week


If you instead want an analog clock showing Zulu time, you have a configurable one in the clock angle animation or you can use one of the solutions in NNM Clock (displayed below with the special clock face).

Notes: Yes, current time can be seen as a timestamp. No, using different time zones is not an option. Yes, ISO 8601 is the best notation the world have come up with so far. Zulu time is also known as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). If you must know a local time for a UTC offset or want to analyze time zones.

First published by Anders Gustafson 2018-02-06
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